



采购 & 合同服务

采购及合约服务 provides service and support of the procurement needs of the educational, research and administrative mission of the university while 遵守州和联邦法规以及大学政策.  我们负责采购 process from the purchase request through the receiving of goods, processing of 供应商 存货的付款和编目.  除了采购流程,我们 同时管理大学旅行和合同服务(如.e. 大学合约 Eagle Dining和Barnes & Noble).

由于COVID协议,与买家的会议只能通过预约. 请联系 在到达九游会国际之前出去安排一个会议.



采购 Services require new 供应商s to complete a Vendor ID Request and a W-9, 索取纳税人识别号码及证明. 需要W9 所有个人 (包括本科生和研究生) 为服务.  Payments will NOT be made until the forms have been returned to 采购 Services 进行处理.

Also refer to the 供应商维护程序 section below for  New and Existing 供应商EPLS验证



的 department is responsible for getting all the relevant information needed to set 成为国际供应商.  的 外国公司资料表 should be e-mailed to the 供应商 before any services are performed or goods are purchased.  的 department should then forward the completed document to Vendor Maintenance in 采购办公室.  他们会将其转交给税务合规办公室 who will notify the department of additional IRS forms needed before the 供应商 can 在我们的供应商系统中建立. 

Purchases are made to support academic and research programs as well as to support 活动,如物理植物和居住生活. 这些购买总额接近 每年9000万美元. 这些物品包括但不限于科学设备 and supplies, computers and accessories, office furniture, office supplies, library books, chemicals, janitorial supplies, minor repair services, construction materials, 工程机械、维修服务、车辆及用品. 如果你感兴趣的话 in supplying any of these items, please advise us in writing and provide us with some 关于贵公司背景和经验的信息.

Southern Miss has two methods of purchasing from external 供应商s:  university procurement 卡片和官方大学采购订单.


  • University procurement cards are issued by Visa and clearly marked “的 University 仅供官方使用.它们还包括符号 我们是免税机构.
  • 购买的商品和服务总额不超过5000美元.00可以用 大学采购卡.


  • Purchases that cannot be made using a procurement card must be ordered via an official 大学采购订单.
  • 请 do not accept promises from other university departments that you will be given 一个订单. 只有遵循正确的采购法律和程序,才能获得采购订单 被跟踪.

作为事业单位,我们必须遵守国家的采购法律法规.  下 state law, we are subject to rules and regulations set forth by the Institutions of Higher Learning Board of Trustees; the Office of 采购, 旅行 and Fleet Management (OPTFM) which is under the Department of Finance and Administration; 和 Department 资讯科技署署长.  与OPTFM和采购有关的法律 process in general may be found in Chapter 7 of the Mississippi Code beginning with 节31-7-1.


  • 采购总额达5000美元.英镑或以下,不包括运费或运费 不做广告或以其他方式要求竞争性投标.
  • 购买总额在5000美元之间.01美元和75000美元.不包括运费或运费 charges, may be made from the lowest and best bidder provided at least two competitive 已获取书面报价.
  • 购买总额超过75,000美元.,不包括运费和运费 be made from the lowest and best bidder after advertising for competitive sealed bids once each week for two consecutive weeks in a regular newspaper published in the county 或该机构或管理当局所在的直辖市.
  • In determining the lowest and best bid, freight and shipping charges shall be included. No agency or governing authority shall accept a bid based on items not included in 的规格.


  • If an item is covered by a competitive bid state contract, we must buy from a particular 供应商.
  • If an item is covered by a negotiated contract, we can purchase that item from a 供应商 如果价格低于国家合同价格,则不在国家合同中.
  • 我们有几个不同的接收地址.  我们有两个校区和几个偏远地区 网站.  大多数购买将被送到我们的九游国际棋牌收货部, 但我们也会定期向墨西哥湾沿岸地区运送物资.  船舶地址 对于每个订单都将在采购订单上列出. 
  • Chemicals delivered to the Hattiesburg campus must be delivered to our Science Storeroom.  This address will be noted on the purchase order and any special labeling instructions 会在评论中注明吗.
  • When shipping items to the university, please include our purchase order number on 运输标签,以确保正确的九游会国际交货.
  • 发票由应付账款601处理.266.4131. 我们的帐单地址列在上面 在我们的采购订单上. 我们努力确保及时处理所有供应商发票.
  • We mail checks weekly on Friday mornings unless there is a holiday or weather related 大学关闭. 如果学校在星期五放假,我们就调整我们的日程安排 星期四邮寄支票.
  • 供应商不允许在应付账款中提取支票. 如果支票需要 to be hand delivered, special arrangements should be made with the university department 接收你的商品或服务的客户.
  • If your company is new to our university, we will require a completed W-9 and 供应商 第一个采购订单可以在注册表格之前发出.  这两种形式都可以 可以在下面的供应商部分中找到.
  • 未经批准,禁止在校内征集. 供应商代表 不应主动致电个别大学院系推销.  请 联系采购和合同服务部,向我们的九游会国际介绍你自己. 
  • 如有可能,请提前打电话预约.
  • 让每次拜访都有收获. 给我们带来一个新的想法、方法或产品.  帮助 我们要跟上时代.
  • 请 accept only an authorized purchase order from 采购及合约服务.
  • 请 do not accept promises from other university departments that you will be given 一个订单. 只有遵循正确的采购法律和程序,才能获得采购订单 被跟踪.
  • 请 quote realistic dates so we can base our planning on good firm information.
  • If you are discussing a requirement with one of the university departments, make sure 采购和合同事务处知道这一点. 我们需要良好的沟通.  采购 及合约服务部可致电601联络.266.4131或电邮至 procurementFREEMississippi.
  • 请公开、坦率地开展业务. 作为一个国家机构,我们所有的 商业交易是一项公共记录.
  • 我们希望你们能遵守所有的定价、交货和服务协议.
  • 我们很重视贵公司作为我们的供应商. 如果你有任何问题或者我们做了什么 如果你不明白,请给我们打电话.
  • 请不要向任何大学员工提供任何礼物或小费.
  • 所有付款方式我们都需要原始发票. 发票的传真或复印件 不被认为是原创的,不会被接受,这会延迟付款.


当确定需要将新的供应商添加到大学时 Vendor Database, the following procedure 将如下: For New domestic 供应商s:

  1. 卖方必须填写- 供应商登记表格.
  2. 卖方必须填写- 联邦税W-9表格和说明.
  3. Once Documentation is received, the Vendor Maintenance Specialist will log into the Federal Excluded Parties List System (EPLS), enter the 供应商 Social Security Number for Individuals or advanced search with Name, State/Country, or Tax Identification Number for 供应商s to determine if the individual/供应商 is currently on the excluded 方列表. 如果搜索没有返回任何结果,则搜索结果的副本 打印并归档供应商记录. 然后将供应商添加到供应商中 数据库. 如果EPLS搜索找到匹配项,则返回供应商信息 to the requesting department or the 供应商, informing them that the University cannot 与供应商做生意,直到他们被排除在外 方列表..



If a determination is made by a University Department that an international 供应商 will need to be added to the University’s Vendor Database, the following procedure 将如下:

 a. 申请部门负责发电子邮件给 外国公司资料表W-8BEN 表格寄给潜在的供应商. 本署收到填妥的表格后, 它应该送到税务合规办公室进行审查.

 b. 的 Office of Tax Compliance will notify the requesting department of any additional 在将供应商添加到供应商数据库之前需要IRS表格.

 c. 一旦收到所有所需的文件,税务合规办公室将 将所有必要的文件发送给供应商维修专家 第c节中描述的eps程序. 国内供应商的程序 将供应商添加到供应商数据库.




Once a month, updates to the excluded 方列表 are downloaded and compared to 所有大学的活跃供应商.  然后搜索匹配的任何名称 排除方清单系统的详细信息.  如果发现USM供应商匹配 epl,它们已停用,不再使用.  如果将来需要使用,他们 必须首先从EPLS中清除,然后才能恢复为活跃的供应商.


http://oig.美国卫生and the公众服务部.gov/exclusions/exclusions_list.asp

If America is to continue its position as the principal economic force in the global 市场,它必须包括生产企业的所有社会成员. 少数民族社区的购买力将会越来越大.

九游会国际 highly encourages its constituents to source their needs from small, minority-owned, and women-owned 企业, as well as veteran-owned 企业. 为了帮助您完成这项工作,我们提供了下面列出的一些工具.

密西西比发展局(MDA) 提供可搜索的供应商数据库. 在那里,选择“现在搜索”链接. 无需登录. 此外,另一个可搜索的数据库是 密西西比州少数民族企业登记处.











